Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I ♥ Arlington

We have been here with Lizzie one week and it has been lovely. We don't do much of anything except walk the pups and eat well.
Puritan Divine
Boston Burger Co

Practicing Crew on Spy Pond
We have walked to a number of parks nearby, including a walk on the Minuteman bike trail to Spy Pond.

We went with Lizzie to get her stitches removed and met her doctor. A very nice man with impressive looking credentials. Lizzie asked if he had photos of her appendix or surgery and was told that she did not want to be medically interesting. Our friend Susan at age nine was given her appendix in a jar by her father, a doctor, after its removal. This would have appealed to Lizzie, but alas, no such luck.

We also took the dogs to a vet to renew their health certificate so we can take them to Canada and return, although I have since discovered that the rabies certificate is all that was required. An expensive exercise.

Highlights of our stay so far have been a trip to Lexington and Concord. The Lexington Minuteman Park was open with reenactors showing how things were done during the Revolutionary War period;

Pups strangely drawn to cairn fence

making and eating excellent French bread in Lizzie's kitchen;

shopping at the local farmers' market

and enjoying the products of our trip: an heirloom tomato salad, burnt sugar corn, and marinated goat cheese and a chilled bottle of Grüner Veltliner on a hot summer's night.


  1. Yummy! Love the food... the bread looks FAB!!! I LOVE the picture of the three of you... you don't do that often enough! Lizzie looks GREAT!!!

  2. Driving over for dinner this evening. Please repeat above meal to serve to me! Is the butter the fancy Frenchy kind? And beverage? Your bread looks crunchy on the outside and moist on the inside. Divine.

    You all are looking great. BTW...I got a photo of my surgery. Poloroid.

  3. Lizzie wants me to credit Brad for the bread. She uses his recipe and technique. He gave Lizzie a bread baking lesson in Chicago a couple of years ago. And the bread is the best.

  4. Just a quick correction: it wasn't stitches that were removed, it was staples! As you can see from the red spots the staples left, my body was not happy having them in there. My level of comfort increased ENORMOUSLY after having them removed =)


Let us know what you think.