Friday, October 22, 2010

Musée Alsacien

We took a walk through the Parc du Contades.  This is the park and neighborhood near the Jewish Temple--a lovely area of Strasbourg.  

The family met for lunch at Le Michele, near Emily’s work.  It is a popular dining place of local workers.

Em was quite busy our first few days in France.  Her master’s thesis was due and she was trying to complete it while working full time.  And this was Marc’s last day of teaching before la Toussaint (All Saints) holiday.  Lizzie also needed to get some work done before our trip to Rome.

While the kids were busy, Don and I had the afternoon to ourselves.  We walked by the great cathedral

and visited a museum that we had overlooked on previous visits.  The Musée Alsacien celebrates Alsace (its history and customs) and is based on a traditional Alsatian home.  We saw the flamboyant traditional dress 
kitchen, stable, dairy, winery, and other scenes of old Alsatian life.

birthing chair

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